MISSIONS The winner of eight prizes for the past four years in Czech Press Photo Competition, the finalist of 2002 Oskar Barnack Award. Nominated: Joop Sward Masterclass of World Press Photo 2001 and 2002. Price UNICEF of Czech Republic for 2002. The objective of this long - term project by Alena Dvorakova and Viktor Fischer is to use black and white photography to gradually introduce to the general public, the everyday life and problems of common people in several regions of four continents – Asia (Kazakhstan), Europe (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Central Europe), Africa (South Africa), and South America (Argentina, Chile) and to primary search for and to find ways to receive humanitarian assistance for the poor and the diseased. The topic is covered using the background of the work of Saint Francis Order of School Sisters founded in the Czech Republic that gradually established their missions throughout the world. The mission of our work is to contribute to clarifying our position facing the problems and fortunes of common people. Our world is becoming smaller. Social, economic and environmental problems of others are becoming pressing problems of all. Our photographs are to contribute to the more specific ideas of the life in various cultures and to appeal to the necessity of appurtenance. We want to use our work to help convince ordinary people in this world to believe that they are important enough to help less fortunate people in their own society.